Distilling Blog

Many Genres of Gin
Masters of Spirits
The festive, piney cousin of vodka, gin is distilled with a blend of botanicals, allowing for a broad range of flavor expressions. Traditional, earthy, sweet, citrusy, fresh—these are just a few of the gin profiles we offer.
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The long tradition of alcohol sourcing
Then & Now
Making a great spirit doesn’t require making it yourself. In fact, many exceptional creations come from sourced alcohol, and it’s been that way for a long time.
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Masters of Spirits
We love how this spicy, forward, rogue has always been ready to take on the world, one whiskey glass at a time. Sure of itself. Proudly unwilling to change its character over the years to be the new “it” drink. We especially love that, at last, rye whiskey is awash in a well-earned boom of rediscovery, and we’re honored to be at the heart of it. At MGP, we help makers produce flavor profiles from velvety smooth to dry with that rye “bite”. We love to talk rye.
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Way Back When: Prohibition Repeal
Then & Now
One signature tore the lid off America – along with its liquor. On December 5th,​ 1933, with a few flicks of his pen, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the 21s​t​ Amendment that ended Prohibition. As soon as the ban was lifted, liquor legally made its way to drinkers who had grown accustomed to sneaking into speakeasies. Finally, everyday citizens could raise their flagon without ending up in a paddy wagon.
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Custom vs Std Mash Bills
Masters of Spirits
MGP offers a dozen existing mash bills, each one a time-tested combination of specific grains that’s fermented and distilled to become your bourbon or whiskey. These mash bills may be “standard”, but they’re not ordinary.
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Building Brand Affinity
Masters of Spirits
According to a recent survey by Mintel, the two most important attributes people consider before buying a dark spirit are “Brand Trust” and “natural flavor.” 
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Whiskey Aging - Where Old is Gold
Masters of Spirits
A history-making stockpile of rare pre-Prohibition whiskey was recently discovered locked away behind bank vault doors, concealed by trick bookcases. It seems that early in the last century, it was stashed by a California banker and whiskey lover who anticipated the coming of Prohibition.
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Get to Know Us - TJ Anderson
Get to Know Us
TJ grew up in Denver planning to join his family’s auto-body business. His path changed when he became intrigued by the rise of craft brewers and distillers in Colorado.
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Blind Horse and Wind Farm
Then & Now
Sounds like the set up to a bad joke, right? But it’s not. And the answer is 100% true. Back in 1847, when Rossville Distillery began making whiskey, they used the most modern power source available.
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