Distilling Blog

Canned Cocktails
Inside the Industry
In the past, ready-to-drink (RTD) cocktails had a bit of a bad reputation. They were malt-based, sugary sweet and about as artificial as you could get. But that’s not the case today. Brewers and distillers, including craft companies, have been coming out with higher quality cocktails in a can.
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Matt Greeno Photo Wide
Get to Know Us
A Kansas native, Matt Greeno earned degrees in chemical engineering and physics, as well as an MBA from the University of Kansas. At MGP, he combines a keen balance of technical wit and artisanal knowhow.
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Distilling Trends for 2020
Inside the Industry
As we hit the fourth quarter of 2019, you’re bound to start seeing lists of trends for next year. Of course, we had to make our own contribution to the cocktail of predictions. Craft distillers still have a lot to look forward to, in our opinion, but there are challenges on the horizon as well. Keep reading to see our list of the top 5 upcoming alcohol industry trends.
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What Type of Whiskey
Inside the Industry
With the renewed interest in craft whiskey in the United States, more and more whiskey connoisseurs are being introduced to lesser-known niche spirits. In total, there are 41 categories of whiskey recognized by the U.S.  Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), the agency that regulates and collects taxes on imported and domestic alcohol. These categories are defined by a multitude of requirements including aging, barreling, blending and country of origin.
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Millennials Want the Good Stuff
Inside the Industry
Bye-bye 12-pack. Today’s influential millennial consumers prefer hard liquor, straight or in a cocktail, over beer or wine.1 Not just any liquor, though. Millennials want premium and super-premium spirits.
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6 Newly Certified Masters
Masters of Spirits
Raise a glass to our newest Master Distillers, Matthew Greeno, Josh Slawski, Mike Templin, TJ Anderson and Ian Stirsman—and make it a double for our newest Master Blenders, R.J. Laws and Sam Schmeltzer, the most recent additions to our Team of Masters.
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