Food Blog

More Than a Gut Feeling photo
Science Inside
All food scientists and producers know that the healthy food trend is an unstoppable train of growth. More than any time in history, people are conscious about their health and are demanding foods and beverages that promote their well-being.
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Food Science Career
Science Inside
Let’s face it, unless you’re watching an old Vacation movie with Clark Griswold, food science is an industry that rarely comes to mind. If ever. Well, we’re trying to change that and give people a better glimpse into what we do.
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Learning Outside the Lab
Science Inside
When the COVID-19 crisis hit, many food scientists had the same thought, “what do we do without our lab?” “We were all at home, so information is available, but not a lab, so trying to test or demonstrate something might be challenging,” said Chief Science Officer and Vice President of R&D Ody Maningat, Ph.D. Food science students were also affected, as many companies cancelled internships and work programs. “This summer, I was supposed to be an R&D intern at a major food company. However, due to the coronavirus situation, the company decided to cancel the internship. I am of course very devastated,” expressed Reddit user kevzhang01.
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The Tides of Tastes
Trending Up
If you look at human diets throughout history, you’ll find one constant: change. Especially when it comes to meat consumption. The world produces over 400% more meat than it did 50 years ago, but the kind of meat has changed as people’s demands have almost flipped. In 1961, poultry accounted for only 12% of global meat production. Today, it makes up nearly 35% and is the fastest growing meat segment in the world.
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Positives of plant-based diets
Food Matters
No, we’re not talking about the fruit. We’re talking about New Zealand, where the University of Otago recently completed a study that once again proved the benefits that plant-based foods have on humans and the planet.
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Next Great Nugget Not Chicken
Products Squared
We might be in the middle of the chicken sandwich wars, but there’s one war that’s been going on for decades – the Chicken Nugget War. A quick food science history of the nugget.
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