Food Blog

Bright Bold Food Colors
Food Matters
According to a study by Maru/Matchbox, 69 percent of millennials take a photo (or a video) of their food before eating it! Foodstagramming hasn’t just changed the way we see food, it’s changing the food and restaurant industry completely, as restaurants and food producers are rethinking everything from their offerings to their décor – all for the ‘gram.
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Do not label my diet
Food Matters
There was a time not too long ago, when if you wanted to eat more plant-based foods, you had two choices: become a vegan or become a vegetarian. Eating less meat just for the sake of eating less meat just wasn’t mainstream. But that is not even close to the story today.
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Healthier is Tasting Better
Science Inside
An interesting question was recently raised in a Reddit food science conversation: "I remember as a kid (1990’s early 2000’s) whole wheat tasted awful,” said Reddit user roughroe. “When I got to middle school I really started to like most of these products….Have there been significant changes in how whole wheat products are made?…Or is it taste buds changing?" Well, the answer is all of the above. Whole wheat and other healthier products have come a long way in the taste category, for a few reasons.
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Best Degrees for Food Science Biz
Inside the Industry
What’s the best bachelor’s degree to get into food science? Well, if you ask MGP experts they’ll have different answers. Sarah Gutkowski's bachelor’s degree is in food science while Ody Maningat's bachelor’s degree is in chemistry. Obviously a food science degree is a good route, but it’s not the only one.
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ProTerra Chicken Chilli
Products Squared
WHAT is ProTerra™ textured pea protein? It's a brand new addition to MGP’s line of textured, plant-based proteins. It mimics the appearance and texture of meat for replacements or extensions and it’s gluten-free and allergen-free. It has enhanced texture and mouthfeel compared to powdered pea proteins, which further helps to improve the meat alternative eating experience. It comes in a range of textures and sizes, giving it the flexibility to be used in almost any application.
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ProTerra Sausage Patties
Products Squared
Let’s take a look at the last ten years of food trends: Keto, Paleo, low-carb, Whole30®, gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, pumpkin spice, avocado everything, Doritos® Locos Tacos, etc. Long story short, food fads change faster than you can say “Sriracha.” Today, the market is hungry for healthier and more sustainable plant-based meat alternatives. And this trend is taking hold among a broad range of consumers, not just vegans or vegetarians. And with Millennials and Gen Z more in-tune with their health and the health of the planet, this is a trend that will be here for a while. Which is great news for our customers, who seek to innovate with plant-based proteins.
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High Protein Low Carb Pasta
Trending Up
For centuries, pasta has been a fixture on tables around the world. But annual sales of the popular staple have become stagnant. As consumers become more health and weight conscious, they’re cutting back on carbohydrates, pushing pasta makers to find new ways to make their dough.
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